
Mellville's Billy Budd

Any landsman observing this gentleman not consipicuous by his stature and wearing no pronounced insignia, emerging from his cabin retreat to the open deck, and noting the silent deference of the officers retiring to leeward, might have taken him for the King's guest, a civilian aboard the King's-ship, some highly honorable discreet envoy on his way to an important post. But in fact this unobtrusiveness of demeanor may have proceeded from a certain unaffected modesty of manhood sometimes accompanying a resolute nature, a modesty evinced at all times not calling for pronounced action, and which shown in any rank of life suggests a virtue aristocratic in kind."
p.80 Mellville's Billy Budd

More later, I need to check out this book and read through it again for quotes!  Mellville's long but good, a sophisticated writer.

Inspiring Quotes
* Love
* Life
* Love
* Silly
* By Person
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